Archives for: January 2016

New Year, New Associations

Happy New Year! As 2016 gets underway, we thought we’d let you know about some performances of Haydn’s music that are being given in the first part of 2016.

We’re particularly pleased to be supporting a concert of Haydn’s music on Good Friday in central London. The Orchestra of St. Paul’s in association with the Haydn Society of Great Britain give the world premiere of Ben Palmer’s string orchestra arrangement of Haydn’s Seven Last Words of Christ on the Cross, as well as Symphony No. 26 and the Cello Concerto in C, at St Paul’s church Covent Garden on 25 March at 7.30. You can find more infomation here.

In addition, the Orchestra of St. Paul’s under Ben Palmer will be giving an account of Haydn’s Symphony No. 59 at St Martin-in-the-Fields on 28 January. Ben is an enthusiastic advocate of Haydn and has formed a special spin-off concern to perform Haydn’s music – his London Haydn Project will be performing Haydn and Mozart the week before this central London concert at the Parish Church of Sarum St Martin, Salisbury on Sunday 24 January.

As ever, do let us know if you are involved in performances or events concerning Haydn and his music. We’d love to know more and share the news!