Haydn Society of North America conference, 2-3 November 2016, Vancouver

A conference of the Haydn Society of North America (HSNA) will take place at the Vancouver Sheraton Wall Center Hotel, prior to the meeting of the American Musicological Society / Society for Music Theory. We are seeking proposals concerning any work regarding Joseph Haydn and his circle. We also anticipate a joint session with the American Beethoven Society and invite proposals for this session linking the two composers. Presentations accepted for the AMS/SMT conference itself may not be read at this conference. Papers read at the conference may be solicited for publication in HAYDN: Online Journal of the Haydn Society of North America (haydnjournal.org).

Scholars are invited to submit proposals for individual papers or lecture/performances. Papers and presentations should not exceed 30 minutes and include an abstract of no more than 400 words. Please submit complete proposals as an attachment in Word or PDF to Michael Ruhling (Michael.Ruhling@rit.edu) by July 15. Presenters are expected to be members of HSNA at the time of the conference.